Category Archives: this’n’that

Monty Python!!

The boys have started their very own YouTube channel, with high quality videos. Check it out!

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o hai

This is for the Blinns who remember the cooked kitteh episode.


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my new chair

I was at Salvation Army last week for my usual run through, when I found this:

A Lazy Boy recliner made in ’98, that looks like it had never even been sat in, for $40!! I just looked up new ones online, and they cost $435 new. Yeah, I’m feeling pretty smug. To me, it’s an even better deal than the $40 tv I got a couple of months ago.


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I was tagged

By my lovely daughter in law Mandy.

Here are 6 unspectacular things me.
1. I have avocados in the house, and I don’t like to share them.
2. I still have my military ID dependent card.
3. My favorite website is Ravelry. My favorite community is the Completely Pointless and Arbitrary Group.
4. I’m a night owl. Always was, always will be.
5. I want to live on lots of land.
6. I plan to learn to spin wool this year.

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Janice Holt Giles

I’ve been struck by the reading bug this summer. Specifically, I want to read(and buy) all of Janice Holt Giles’ works. I first read Hannah Fowler when I was 13, and it has become a tradition for all of my daughters to read, and own this book. Hannah Fowler was really only supposed to be a “bridge” book for Mrs. Giles. She had a book in mind, The Believers, and needed a sort of prequel to it. Hannah became, for readers, her most loved book.  One summer, when Joni was still living at home, we got all of the JHG books we could find out of the library to read. I would like to do that again, and have been looking online for original copies of the books. The University of Kentucky has reissued her books in paper back, but I want to find the old copies of the books. If I was ever to be told I had to give up all but one of my favorite novels, I would keep Hannah.


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Completely Pointless and Arbitrary

My favorite group on Ravelry. Well tonight someone posted this. You must see.

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RIP George

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Oh, Mr. D’arcy!!


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We got tickets!!!!!!!!!

Cath, Laura, Molly and I are going to see Wicked!!!!!!! We are so excited we can hardly stand it! I feel so lucky to have gotten tickets, as they expect to sell out fast.

Off to listen to the soundtrack.

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Filed under Family, this'n'that

Seven Random Facts about Myself

I know that most of this won’t be a surprise to my kids, they know me very well.

1. When I was a kid, I wanted to have 14 children, because I thought you needed close to that to be able to have a station wagon. Plus I really loved little kids.

2. The first time I made muffins from scratch I was 10 years old. It was the same night Charlie Brown and The Great Pumpkin was on for the first time. I kept running into the living room to watch, and the muffins didn’t taste very good.

3. I almost joined the military when I finished high school. I was seriously thinking about the Navy or Air Force, though the Army recruiter was really trying to get me to join.

4. I learned to knit when I was 12, taught by Dorothy Brown in my 6th grade class.

5. I learned to sew when I was 13, taught by my Aunt Ann. I still have the patterns we used that summer. One of them made it onto the blog(now defunct) Threadbared.

6. I love Showtunes. I could listen to them day and night.

7. I used to have Elton John’s autograph…gotten at a Sears in Honolulu, where he was doing an album promotion. It was his second or third album, and he hadn’t hit it huge yet.

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