Monthly Archives: November 2007

B Co.

Rob just called!!!!!!! I only got to talk with him for about 3 minutes, but he sounds really good. Happy to be where he is, sounds like the new job is going well.


Filed under Army, Family

Thank you 3ID

This is from yesterdays Army Times:

The first service in months at the St. John the Baptist Chaldean Catholic Church in Baghdad attracted worshippers of all ages, as well as Iraqi Muslim tribal leaders, who showed their support for the church’s reopening Thursday. The church had closed earlier this year because of Islamic militant threats, but a recent decrease in violence has allowed the Iraqi Christians to reopen it.



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Filed under Army, Family

Bowling Haiku

I stink at bowling

and I always get gutters

I wish I got strikes

~Laura Blinn~


Filed under Family, Homeschooling

Thank You


Daddy, Rob,Russ, Steve-o, Hootch, and all of the rest of the soldiers and sailors that serve or have served our country.

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Filed under Army, Family, holidays

The Iron-ic Chefs

What to do on a Sunday night? Play with and manipulate your Halloween candy, of course! My young chefs in training did this:


We had everything from pizza to cake! The plate btw, is only about 6 inches in diameter.


Filed under Family, food


I LOVE showtunes! Always have and always will. This morning I found a great college station in Cleveland that plays two hours on Sundays, and you can listen to it all week! So far, they’ve played music from Camelot, Rocky Horror Picture Show, Godspell, and Hair. I am soo loving this!

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Filed under this'n'that

The Laughing Boys

Are these not the cutest little boys? I can almost hear them laughing!!




Filed under Family

Miss Tween and such

Laura attended her first “tween event” tonight at Church. First they had a Mass, then a potluck supper, then off to be in teams for a scavenger hunt. The team Captains(moms of some of the kids) drove them to certain streets to look for the items. The goal was to get food to restock the food pantry kept by Holy Cross. Although Laura’s team came back with the most bags of food(26), they didn’t “win” the hunt because they were not able to bring back exactly what was asked for.  It didn’t seem to matter(and it shouldn’t) who won the hunt, everyone felt good about helping out those in need. I was a bit nervous for Laura, as she sometimes gets really jittery about new situations. But she did fine! The girls at her table at supper were very interested in learning more about how she homeschools, and she saw a couple of girls that she remembered from her Sacred Heart school days. All in all a successful evening for her. Not so much for Molly, who was feeling quite left behind. Molly then declined a chance to take Keefer for a walk with Jeff, saying it just wouldn’t be the same without Laura. It was moot, though, as the dog made it to the next block before his shoulder gave out and I had to come fetch him with the car. I’m afraid it won’t be long.


Filed under Family