Monthly Archives: February 2007

Maggie Moo’s


We had the tastiest field trip today, at Maggie Moo’s. The owner and an employee took us around the front where they make up the goodies,and the owner showed us around the back where they actually make the ice cream. He was making up dark chocolate and orange ice cream, which we got to taste!


In the picture above, Mark is showing us how they make milkshakes….chocolate, yummy.


Here is where the waffle cones are made, and a little secret? They put cinnamon in the mix, to make it smell nice in the mall!


The girls, tasting the waffle cones.


Here, Steve the owner is mixing up my “Mooberry” ice cream with chocolate shavings. The board they do this on is kept at 0 degrees.

We all got a nice little bowl of ice cream, our choice, and the kids got a little certificate. Now, when can I go back and buy a pint of that dark chocolate and orange ice cream?


Filed under food, Homeschooling

Done with Beta


So rather than wait till tomorrow, Molly finished up her Math today too! She now moves on from Beta to Gamma….of course now she can’t do any math till I buy the next set, I wasn’t expecting her to finish already.


Filed under Homeschooling

On to Zeta!


Laura finished up Epsilon …Math U See names the levels for the Greek alphabet, and Laura is starting Zeta tomorrow…the last book before pre-algebra! She did THREE lessons today just so she could finish it today. Tomorrow will be exciting too…watch for news about Molly.


Filed under Homeschooling

I got some actual sewing done!



So with letting the girls have the week off of school, I got a lot of sewing done. I found this red fabric at Salvation Army, and figured it would make a nice muslin if nothing else, for a gored skirt. I like how it turned out. Still have to hem it, but my ace hem pinner is in Memphis till Monday.


This is the Simplicity maternity duro muslin I made up for Emily. We aren’t sure what size she actually is, so I made up a 10. It looks like she will swim in it. I made it wearable thinking if nothing else she can wear it to clean house in. Now I just have to get it off into the mail.



This is one of my UFO’s. I cut this apron out at least two years ago. I like how it turned out, but I really prefer full aprons, so this one won’t get much use. I looked through the patterns in my room and see that I have THREE retro apron patterns.

Now for next week, I need to work on dh’s pj’s, and my granddaughter’s doll dresses and summer nightie. And school the girls. Maybe they would like to work up in my room? I think I should give up housework though, it will take up too much of my time!


Filed under Sewing

The sewing mess challenge

Debbie over at stitches and seams    mentioned the challenge to show our sewing areas “as is”. I’m game. Here it is:


I don’t have a sewing room anymore, just a space in my bedroom. And I spent the last couple of days cleaning things out, so it isn’t as messy as it was. This first picture is the main area. You can see between the serger and sewing machine I have a plastic bin with 4 drawers. The top drawer is notions: scissors, seam rippers(when I can find them), needles, pins, pencils, etc. The next one has some vintage notions that are waiting to be put into a shadow box and hung on the wall. The next one down is my thread. I have two of those wall thread holders, but my old house gets the thread way too dusty, so I put each color thread with matching bobbin and put them in a snack size zip bag, then put all of the thread bags of one color into a quart size zip bag. The bottom drawer has some of the most used patterns, pj’s and whatnot.

The stack of stuff behind the sewing machine are the UFO’s that I really need to get to.

The tall plastic bin holds everything from lace to zips to buttons and interfacing. The small bin behind the serger I just got yesterday to hold doll and doll clothes making supplies. The doll on top is waiting to have her hair attached(my 8yo wanted her doll to have long hair NOT short hair).

On the far left is the original UFO bin. Some of those projects are mighty old.


This is another view of the same area. The bulletin board originally was used to hold directions for patterns in progress. Mostly now it holds very old pictures that my now adult kids made and brought to me.


This is the area just across from my sewing machine. The table on the left is the original cabinet my Bernina came in, but it works better to have the long table, so in theory this has become my cutting board. The desk in the foreground is slated to go into Molly’s bedroom, when we get the Little Tykes desk out of her room.


This bookshelf is in the guest room. The second and third shelf from the top and the two shelves on the bottom hold sewing related books, magazines, and quilting stuff. I have many more books in the storage part of the attic along with lots of fabric. I just noticed the MRE sitting on top of my quilting videos!


This is the closet in my daughters bedroom in the attic. I was inspired by Debbie’s stash closet, and have been moving patterns and fabric up here as I find it. There are still boxes of fabric in the storage section of the attic and some in my bedroom that need to come up here.


Close up shot of the mess! Won’t Catherine be angry  annoyed  surprised to find out she’s sharing the closet with me when she gets home from college?


Filed under Sewing

Rock of the Marne


Rob is in the 3ID….in Savannah GA(HUNTER AAF). His buddy Steve(in the picture, with the off kilter 3ID badge!)  will be joining him(at FT. STEWART) shortly. Here’s wishing they get to spend their 21st birthdays together on March 5 and 6. The cutey in the picture with him is Colleen, sweetie of Steve and little sis of Ian.

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Filed under Family

this week on Nature: Raptors


silly Oreo

raptors are big in real life

not like little birds

*alternative ending suggested by dad: they eat little cats


Filed under this'n'that


snowy day

We got a LOT of snow! It was too deep to actually play in.

working on the cake

Laura worked really hard on her first decorating job!

the finished cake

 Here is a picture of the finished cake that Molly and I made and Laura decorated.

I sure hope I can get the hang of this blogging thing soon, I have some other pictures I want to post, but it took me all night to figure out how to get non enormous pictures.


Filed under Family, food

A sad time for Little House fans

It was bad enough when Harper Collins announced they would be removing the art work of Garth Williams in favor of snapshots in  the books, but now they are going to abridge the pre-Little House books by Melissa Wiley. and tell the story. I’m sorry that Melissa won’t be writing any more books in this series, but I hope she at least continues writing.

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Filed under Homeschooling

A note from the snowglobe

You know that feeling of anxiety you get sometimes, when you feel like panicking but you aren’t sure you should? I’m feeling it now. Rob called tonight…they had their predeployment briefing today, he has to work tonight getting helicopters ready to go, we set up my AKO account. The panic isn’t about him leaving as much as it is about me not being there to see him off. I’m really worried I won’t be able to be there. I wish I knew exactly when it is, and I hope it isn’t in the next three weeks.

On a much brighter note, my daughter-in-love heard the little beanie’s heartbeat for the first time! I am so excited for them…what an awesome journey is about to begin.

I was a bit disappointed in some of the commercials for the Superbowl game last night. And the half time show? Please.

The weather is still wild here, and the school kids have no school again tomorrow, but we will. The girls actually got bored. I let them have a snow day too, but it just isn’t as much fun to play outside when everyone else is around.


Filed under Family