Monthly Archives: September 2008

my new chair

I was at Salvation Army last week for my usual run through, when I found this:

A Lazy Boy recliner made in ’98, that looks like it had never even been sat in, for $40!! I just looked up new ones online, and they cost $435 new. Yeah, I’m feeling pretty smug. To me, it’s an even better deal than the $40 tv I got a couple of months ago.


Filed under this'n'that

Happy Birthday Celeste!!!


Filed under Family, holidays

Fun new acquisitions

I’ve been kind of out of things the last couple of weeks(muscle relaxers do make me loopy), but I got some fun things in the mail and I finally feel up to posting about them.


These are hand dyed yarns from Frog Hair Fibers, an Etsy shop.

I found some vintage patterns at Out of the Ashes:

This first pattern is one I have been trying to find for 20 years. I got a beautiful piece of Liberty of London cotton lawn when I visited my sister in law in Chicago, and knew exactly what I wanted the blouse to look like. This pattern is from the early 60’s.

This one is a dress pattern from the late 90’s. I just like it.

PUFFALUMP PATTERN!!! I was way excited to find this, and when I went back a few days later, I found a couple other ones(I think a cow and um some other animal).

And is it Vista, or Photobucket(I just signed up there)? It is taking FORFREAKINEVER to get these pictures edited and up. ::headdesk, lather, rinse, repeat::

I just gave up and put them in unedited from my computer. There HAS to be a decent picture storage out there somewhere.


Filed under knitting, Sewing


You got saved the embarrassment of baby pictures on the blog since my scanner doesn’t work! I hope you have a Happy Birthday today!!


Filed under Family, holidays

Arrgh ye mateys!

So today is International Talk Like a Pirate Day.

No, not these Pirates….


Make sure your first stop is here to get your official name for the day.


Filed under holidays

Happy Birthday Gavin!!!!


Filed under Army, Family, holidays

Good news/Bad news

Bad news is our computer(that 2A so nicely let us use when our last computer died), has died. All favorites, some pictures, etc. are gone.

Good news, we went out today and bought a new computer(big enough to handle Sims2!!). So now I have to try to replace a bunch of faves etc.


Filed under Uncategorized



Filed under Family, holidays

I was tagged

By my lovely daughter in law Mandy.

Here are 6 unspectacular things me.
1. I have avocados in the house, and I don’t like to share them.
2. I still have my military ID dependent card.
3. My favorite website is Ravelry. My favorite community is the Completely Pointless and Arbitrary Group.
4. I’m a night owl. Always was, always will be.
5. I want to live on lots of land.
6. I plan to learn to spin wool this year.

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Filed under Family, this'n'that